Friday, October 26, 2012

Green Bay Packers Jerseys LT-35 tank was very influential

2 light tank turret 1934 p-2 light tank named LT-34 light tanks. Later, only 62hp (45.6kW) of engine power due to such tanks,north face pink ribbon, so the Czech military decided to develop a new tank by Sri Lanka up to the company responsible for the comprehensive development work in October of the same year, Sri Lanka up to February 1934, Sri Lanka up to the Pilkington factory create two full-size model Cheung car. seized and create 2 named S-2 light tank after the first time the real vehicle tests, road wheels and other improved 30 October .1935 years, the car was officially named LT-35 light tanks.
LT-35 light tank fighting the whole weight of 10.5t, crew of 4, mounted a 37mm cannon shells 72 rounds of ammunition rounds, playing the kind of armor-piercing ammunition and grenade. Supporting arms tied to a 7.92mm machine gun,Green Bay Packers Jerseys, a 7.92mm before machine guns, portable machine bullets 2550 hair its power plant for power 120hp (88.2kW) water-cooled gasoline engine; transmission has six forward gears and reverse. Interestingly, this pneumatic tanks change file bodies, this is rarely seen in other tanks, driver control very provincial effort, but the technical level of the driver's requirements. hull and turret are riveted and bolted structures, the maximum thickness of armor 35mm tanks maximum speed of 35km / h. standard look get in the 1940s to the 1930s, LT-35 is a pretty good performance of the tank which is the predecessor of the LT-38 light tanks of the total production in more than 200 during the early days of World War II, the Czech Republic after the German annexation, LT-35 and LT-38 light tanks all Germans seized in World War II, the Germans make extensive use of these tanks, the German LT-35 to call it PZkpfw35 (t) tank brackets in the division, 126 LT-35 tanks, the Romanian Army's No. R02 tanks. Hungary licensed production of tanks called T-21/T-22 tanks, T-22 and later renamed the M40 tank. M40 tanks of total production reached 1322, LT-35 tanks are also exported to many countries such as Switzerland, Sweden, Iran and Peru. visible, LT-35 tank was very influential, a tank.
The mid-1930s, the RAF (Royal Air Force) air combat study concluded: single two-pound shells can cause serious damage to most of the aircraft and the guiding ideology led to the the 1938 Vickers S-type 40 mm generation of cannon, this cannon COW-based experience in the design of anti-aircraft shells from the Navy's two-pound anti-aircraft shells. needs to be emphasized, which is different from the more powerful two pounds of the Army's anti-tank shells or 40 mm Bu Fusi (Bofors) anti-aircraft shells

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